Your Path to Residency Success:
Stand Out with Our Expert ERAS Application Guide

This comprehensive ERAS application guide is carefully crafted by experienced mentors to help you create an outstanding application that stands out among thousands of applicants so that you can successfully match!

Grab the guide now!

Struggling to make your ERAS application shine?
Let this game-changing resource be your guide to success. 

What's waiting for you inside: 📖 

Expert Advice

Gain exclusive tips and insights from a highly competitive ENT resident with years of advising experience.

A Tried and True Blueprint

Don't spend time and energy figuring out how to put together your application, do it right from the start with these tips!

Real Examples

Gain access to competitive ERAS applications of matched students so that you have an template to follow.

Go from writing boring descriptions to creating a powerful application so that you can match into your dream residency program!

Thelma Jimenez

A resource completely helpful and needed, not everyone knows how to put everything in the ERAS application and we end up putting things incorrectly or not putting them at all. I'm grateful I found this resource, it's gonna make my application easier for sure.

Chloe L., MS4

Lily's ERAS Guide is excellent. She even includes her own personal ERAS application which helps give concrete examples. It is super helpful! Her section on how to write up the research section is detailed and well explained.

Julia B, MS4

I really liked seeing examples of the ERAS applications. This let me see how two different people went about the application, that there are a lot of variations, and helped me form my application.

A $200 VALUE FOR ONLY $27!


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Value: $200

  • Lifetime access to a PDF guide with expert tips and strategies to craft an unparalleled ERAS application ($50 value)
  • 4 competitive ERAS applications examples including one that received over 20 interviews including those from top programs! ($100 value)
  • Free access to future updates ($50 value)
Grab the guide!

Questions before purchasing? Email [email protected].

"I found that the specific screenshots from Lily's application after the explanation of how to fill out each experience section was helpful to see how to implement those tips. I also found the handout on power words really convenient and have referenced them several times while putting my experiences together."

- Matched Medical Student

About Dr. Lily, MD

Dr. Lily is an Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Resident who recently completed a highly sought after clinical research fellowship at Mass Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School.

She is passionate about mentoring students and has been advising students for many years. She founded Med Mentors, a mentorship program and company that provides mock interviews, personal statement editing and application editing for medical school and residency applicants. Med Mentors has had a 100% satisfaction rate and many students praise the attention to detail and helpful of her edits and advice. Many of the students have also successfully garnered medical school acceptances and residency matches! She hopes you're next!

Commonly Asked Questions

If you still have questions after reading these FAQs, you can email our team at [email protected].
Get into your dream residency!